
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Hunting Eggs

I sort of have writer's block, but there's a lot going on, and I don't want to neglect my blog. So here's a picture of two really cute kids.
This is E and his little sister (the older of Ex's two daughters). She and her mom met up with us at our church Easter egg hunt, and she came home with us to spend her first night ever at our house! Apparently there was a golden egg in this hunt. Neither of them found it. Poor CJ seemed to find only a bunch of junky hard candy. Poor thing.

I'm uber excited about her staying with us, and I hope it turns into a regular thing. For reasons that aren't really mine to blog about, The Champ and I will likely never have biological nieces or nephews, so Ex's kids and his nieces and nephew are sort of our surrogates. Also of note, this entire ordeal is evidence of tremendous growth and some pretty impressive big girl panties being worn by all involved. I'm thankful.

Still bored by my post? Here they are in the tub!
Today, I was supposed to meet up with Amber to run 10 miles. She had childcare difficulties and by late last night it was looking like I would have to go alone. By this morning, she confirmed that. I was bummed. I HATE LONG LONELY RUNS. It took me an hour to talk myself into going, and if we're being frank, that almost didn't happen. I had almost (thisclose!) successfully rationalized a way to keep my chunky butt on the couch when the Champ piped up with, "Babe, you know you'll feel better if you just go."

I hated him and loved him all at the same time.

So I laced up the wretched running shoes and headed out. I knew I wasn't going to make it 10 miles. My iPod wasn't charged, I was by myself, and I was feeling like crap. So I vowed to make it the full loop and go 7. I did pretty well, and ran into one of my cooking club friends along the way. I really can't say that I enjoyed the run. But I did feel tons better when it was over. I MUST do a LONG run next weekend. Seven miles no longer counts.

I think I'm in a running slump, which is not good considering the half marathon is less than a month away. I'm kind of bored, so I think I'm going to look for some new routes or find some more people to run with. Any takers?

In other egg hunting news, I want to have a baby. My body is not currently cooperating with that agenda, although it hasn't been enough time yet for me to go into full fledged panic. My current situation warrants only mild frustration. I guess that's one of those things that most people would just keep to themselves, but I'm not good at keeping my own secrets. I figure, if it happens, I'll want everyone to know. And if it doesn't happen, then I'll need to write in order to process (and the moral support would be nice).

Here's hoping for a golden egg!

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