
Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 30: Countdown begins NOW

Starting tomorrow, I'm officially in single digits. I feel like a giddy kid. I might make a paper chain when I'm done with this post, so I can rip off a link every night before I go to bed. It's that exciting.

Another exciting bit of news is that sponsorship checks have been rolling in, which means we'll be able to send a good little chunk of $$$ to some very sassy street kids in Uganda this week. That makes me all kinds of happy. Honestly, the personal rewards of this process would have been worth it to me without the bigger picture, but the bigger picture is pretty special, and I'm excited to have been a part of something so awesome. THANK YOU TO ALL OUR SPONSORS!!!

AND...I ran again today. I decided that although I'm not super competitive with other people, I get a major high from kicking my own tail. When I ran yesterday, I didn't have an official way to keep my time. I just know that I sent a text right before I got out of the car, and when I got back in the car and looked at the phone it was 32 minutes later. So today, I ran by Walmart and bought a cheap stopwatch to see if I could beat myself.

In all honesty, the distance I'm running is probably just shy of 3 miles. It's probably more like 2.8....maybe 2.85. Tomorrow I plan to start at the stadium ticket booth which is the 5k route in town. So that will put me over 3 miles. But today, I did the 2.85 (because I'm generous) and YAY ME!!!!

A few years back I was dating a guy that ran 3 miles every day. I remember thinking, "how does he make time to do that every day? Doesn't that take like hours? I had no concept of how long it took to run a mile, because I had previously convinced myself that I just couldn't do it. So I never did.

I seriously never knew I was capable of anything like this. And now, I'm so proud of myself that I might never stop.

Who would have thought that by emptying out my stomach that I would feel so full?

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