
Sunday, March 11, 2012

New Again

There's a song that I heard one year around Easter that Brad Paisley and Sara Evans sing together. It's called "Making All Things New" and if you haven't ever heard it, go HERE.

This is happening in my life.

It's hard to adequately explain the depth of this if you haven't been traveling alongside me in the past few years. But God is making everything in my life - from meals to marriage- new again.

I have been given the beautiful gift of a new beginning. It's happening in my marriage to the Champ. It's happening in my mothering to E. It's happening every day when I lace up my shoes and run out the door. I'm learning more and more every day just how much God works all things to the good of those who love him. Because of this, there are new opportunities, new relationships, and fresh starts.

It's easy for me to get down on myself. I'm my own worst critic. When I flake out on my diet or don't get my runs in, I feel like a failure. I find these same feelings of shortcoming in my marriage, my work, and my parenting. But I was reminded today that it doesn't matter how wrong I get it, because Jesus long ago got it SO RIGHT. He is making things new again, and again, and again, and again.

Breakfast: Shakeology Shake with almond milk and peanut butter (290)

Lunch: Hibachi Shrimp and Chicken with mixed veggies-no rice (370)

After lunch I ran 8 miles with a friend which earned me an extra 871 calories. I was starving by the time I got home, so I ate ALL of this:

2 pieces of my mom's homemade pizza
leftover couscous with steamed veggies
1 banana

When I hit the publish button on this post, I'm probably going to go have a bowl of sugar free pudding. (90)

According to myfitnesspal I could eat 650 more calories today and still not blow my diet. Maybe I'll eat two bowls.

And thank baby Jesus, tomorrow is another new again day.

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