
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 24: Irrational

In case you haven't noticed, I'm sort of an all or nothing kind of girl. I can't just take up jogging. I have to run a 1/2 marathon. I can't just start juicing. I have to do a 4o day fast. And apparently, I can't just look at pictures of food on Pinterest. I must pin all the food pictures everywhere. And it doesn't stop there.

I started fasting 24 days ago, and because of this process, I am significantly changing my mindset about nutrition and fitness. Good things. I relied way too heavily on convenience food and sporadic exercise, so this shift is overdue. But because of my irrational stance on things, I can't just "eat better." I now have to eat PERFECT. I have developed a slightly insane fear that eating the tiniest morsel of a brownie when this is all said and done will completely derail my progress and send me back into my fatty pants.

I don't always deal in rational thought. For example, I hardly ever eat pasta, because I was brainwashed back in the Atkins days to believe that all pasta is bad. So, while I love it, I NEVER eat it. Yet, pre-fast, I had no problem pulling through a McDonald's and scarfing down TWO of their little crack burgers. No sense whatsoever. And while I'd like to say that I'll just "go with it and see what happens," I know myself well enough to know I need some clear nutritional and physical fitness boundaries. So here they are:

I will work out no less than 3 times per week. I'm aiming for 4-5, but 3 is the minimum.
I will not purchase heavily processed foods with a shelf life greater than that of a carton of milk.
I will choose organic meats. (If you watch Food Inc you will too.)
I will limit my dairy intake.
I will eat a diet heavy in salmon.
I will opt for whole grain alternatives instead of the white stuff.
I will continue juicing veggies at least 4 days a week.
I will eat spinach like I'm growing it in the backyard.
I will come up with healthy, creative meals that will fuel my family in the best way possible.

And every now and then, I am going to eat a brownie and dip something savory in a puddle of ranch dressing without guilt. My history has taught me that I can not be easily swayed in the direction of rational thought.

But I can sure as hell be lured there with a brownie.

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